[StBernard] Katrina reflection

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Feb 1 20:12:30 EST 2009

" Katrina 'divine retribution' pastor promoted Cleric quoted as saying the
hurricane was a punishment for 'immorality'" --AP.

Jer Responds:

I cannot say if Rev. Wagner visited the area before or after the Big K.

However, he's a strict constructionist in the Catholic Faith and I can
actually see his viewpoint.

Immorality. Does it exist and who does it pertain to in the New Orleans
area? How far off is his viewpoint? Why, as a man of God does he have a
belief that the Lord's "Divine Intervention" in such matters as storms,
earthquakes, Tsunami's, Volcanic activity, and other natural disasters?

Men of faith/the cloth may have viewpoints that offend some when a
perspective of their faith is spoken. However, it appears that the only time
that "people of God" gets good reactions is when they consider themselves
"activists" (liberal) in a march, opposing the Capital Crimes Death Penalty,
or "grave injustices" to man. No one ever considers the matter if it affects
"grave injustices to God". Why is this?

The "root cause for all liberalism is opposition to Christianity and the

The problem is because no one can place God on the witness stand for proof
of existence or to force him to take a deposition where He can swear before
His Bible because if he had to raise His hand, it would be to "depose" all
that are evil in his eyes by just waving His hand, right?

Nah, Devine Retribution? How can there be a Divinity in modern times. Man is
just intelligent to believe in "folktales, myths, legends and lore" with any
degree of certainty that He does exist. Therefore, when one brave soul steps
up to profess his faithful belief that God has chosen to upset the Earth
with a storm that devastates the area, it is considered more evil by the
utterance of Rev. Wagner than the storm itself, set in motion by "you know

Everyone has an individual opinion, even go as far to say that science and
man caused this storm by "global warming/climate Change", "Chance", roll of
the dice or 1 in 1000 yr. storms meteorology mishaps.

To those of non-faith, disprove it as well, I dare. Yes, man did perhaps
cause the storm.

We all are evil at times. It is the degree of evilness that may prompt
"divine intervention" to action: Was New Orleans evil enough to be
considered a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah? Have there been or are there
other places who/to face similar fate? Once again, we must face our Maker,
not at Judgment Day, but to be reminded daily that Someone in our existence
has more power than you or I and it "ain't Science" unless . . it's the
Science Created by God. One who is everlasting man, disasters, Earth, and
the universe He created. You know, the same one that "Science has created
firstly" --sayeth true losers--mankind. (oh, yes. All humans).


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