[StBernard] "Goodbye, America!"

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Feb 14 10:19:49 EST 2009

"Goodbye, America! It Was Fun While It Lasted."-- Ann Coulter.

Jer Responds:

Wo.. What a relief that I'm not the only most positive person on the face of
the earth that now feels certain impending doom placed upon us by this
"Spendulous" bill, the incoming administration and world chaos yet to

Forget about a future for your children and grandchildren (does anyone
remember the "end of the world is near" mentality of past decades brought
about by Nostradamus, the once great depression (which will be miniscule by
comparison of what yet is to come) and global impairment (climate change,
oil depression/crash, future stock crashes, religious disarray from
non-believers, and more.

What will happen will pale by comparison.

For those who have any capital, investing in precious metals (Gold/Silver)
will help keep you afloat in the future when the dollar, yen, ruble, pound,
Deutschmark, etc.

My sense of impending doom shows no recovery in itself to the best days
which have since passed. Those in the liberal/Socialistic/dictator position,
politically, will certainly dwell in a "false sense of security" that in the
months ahead will prove to be a free-falling economy run by leaders that are
about to do to America and the world what communism did in the post- WWII
cold world era.


You bet.

Like a comedian might quip: "I'm nuts, but I'm not crazy.

America is hated in the Muslim world by a majority populace, (yes, terrorism
is alive and kicking both around the world and to those who are placed in
America and are yet to kick off their Jihad Campaign.

One doesn't have to look far to see our local area as micro to the
macro-position which NOW is in Socialism backed by a majority of our
lawmakers who make up the Congress/Senatorial and now Presidental/Cabinet
majority of Socialists.

Currently in America we have an entitled: Charismacracy. A worshipped animal
magnetism of its president which can even include provocative fantasies of
envy by Liberal men and more intimate ones by liberal women. But, more so, a
socialist state now exists to replace the capitalism-Democracy which graced
our lives for the past 233 years. As communism fell like dominoes in the
late Reagan years, Socialism (system in which the state owns and controls
most activities for the equal "good" of all people--hence government will
give and take as well)has replaced our system of government. One can only
see it spreading like wildfire.

Please, don't take my word for it.

You'll just have to experience it by watching TV, laws and Supreme Court
rulings passed, and the now majority of God-less people who believe science
is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of our existence.

I'm really unable to change history. I simply pass through it as everyone
had to do at some point. Then I'll die at some point and pray my Maker's
will becomes a reality soon as promised.


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