[StBernard] ObamaCare: If At First You Don't Succeed: Lie, Lie Again

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Oct 27 23:17:01 EDT 2009

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Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama are scheming in secret on
ObamaCare... they're essentially meeting behind closed doors to re-write it.

What's in this re-write? Who knows? But one thing is certain... your
worst health care nightmares are about to come true... and soon.

That's not a rumor. It's an unfortunate fact. Patricia Murphy with
Politics Daily writes:

"[T]op White House officials are now meeting in the Capitol with Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sens. Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Max
Baucus of Montana, away from Republicans and the press...."

But it gets even worse.

Once the cat was out of the bag - in what may go down in history as one
of the most surreal moments of American political history - Harry Reid and
Max Baucus actually emerged from their proverbial smoke-filled room just
long enough to reassure us that they're actually being open and transparent.

According to Jeffrey Young with The Hill:

"Two senators at the forefront of healthcare reform went to great lengths
Tuesday to brag about how open and transparent the legislative process has
been. Then, they resumed prepping for another closed-door meeting."

Baucus actually had the audacity to tell the assembled reporters:

"I have not been involved in such an open and transparent process as this.
I'm very, very proud that we have done it... it's so important to remind
ourselves that no effort that I've been involved in and I don't think anyone
else in the Senate's been involved with - certainly nothing with such
significance and magnitude - has been so open and transparent as this.
Totally open and transparent and I'm very proud of it."

Dodd picked up the thought and continued the sickening charade:

"Let me pick up on the point that Sen. Baucus was making. The suggestion
somehow that this is being done otherwise is just blatantly false and a
distraction from [what] we need to be talking about."

And when they were finished... they excused themselves and went back to
their back-room negotiations.

Feel like screaming yet?


Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to Barack Obama,
each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the
United States House of Representatives.

Tell these elected officials that you are sick and tired of the secret
meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the
dark-of-night votes... the outright lies and the total lack of transparency.

Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want this radical assault on our
health system and our basic liberties defeated. Remind these elected
officials that America is "the land of the free," not the land of the feeble
and fainthearted. And finally, demand, once and for all, that they stop the
deceptions, scrap ObamaCare and start over with measures that will actually
make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans.

Send My Faxes Now

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Passing The Public Option Means Power.

To know what's really going on with health legislation, ignore 99% of
what you've heard from the Mainstream Media about "Blue Dog Democrats,"
about "health co-ops," about "HR 3200" and, especially, about the supposed
"death of the public option."

You only need to know one thing. What's really happening behind the
scenes in regards to "health care reform" has nothing to do with making
health care affordable and accessible for the American people and everything
to do with a naked power grab.

Make no mistake, the bill that Obama signs almost certainly will
contain some form of "public option" ... it may go by a different name ...
but it will most certainly be there in some form because the "public option"
is a key element in the statists' drive to take over our health system.

No "public option" ... no government take-over of health care ... and
that defeats the very purpose of their so-called effort to "reform" health
care... it's that simple.

To that end, Obama and his main allies in Congress are employing
backroom tactics, arm-twisting, political payoffs, and legislative trickery.

Of course, you may not have noticed because they're literally meeting
behind closed-doors... it's all very hush-hush as they hash-out massive
health care changes that they plan to shove down the throats of a horrified
American public.

And the only thing that stands in their way... the only thing that can
stop them... the only thing that can make them abandon their plots and plans
is hearing the righteous outage of patriotic Americans like you.

If they can't pass their so-called health care reform by stealth... if
they realize they can't force it down your throat without suffering
political repercussions for their actions... believe us... they will stop...
just as they did only two short years ago, when outraged Americans said no
to amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

And that's why we must step-up and speak out... we must make our voices
heard... until they give up on their plans to radically change our health
care system and turn America into a socialist country.

Otherwise, if we don't act decisively now, ObamaCare - and all its
worst elements - could be on Barack Obama's desk in the Oval Office before
we realize what hit us.


Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to Barack Obama,
each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the
United States House of Representatives.

Tell these elected officials that you are sick and tired of the secret
meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the
dark-of-night votes... the outright lies and the total lack of transparency.

Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want this radical assault on our
health system and our basic liberties defeated. Remind these elected
officials that America is "the land of the free," not the land of the feeble
and fainthearted. And finally, demand, once and for all, that they stop the
deceptions, scrap ObamaCare and start over with measures that will actually
make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans.

Send My Faxes Now

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

It's Not About Health Care: It's About Statism And Expanding The Power Of An
Iron-Fisted Government By Any Means Necessary.

The machinations being employed by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barack
Obama and other militant leftists in Congress, mark one of the most shameful
episodes in our country's history.

And once again (it can't be overstated), it's critical to understand
that what's going on in Congress has nothing to do with improving - or
reducing the cost of - health care.

To understand what these statists, particularly Harry Reid and Nancy
Pelosi and Barack Obama, are up to... we must remember the "public option's"
relationship to the ultimate goal of these socialists who masquerade as
Democrats: government- dominated health care.

Of course, the American people viscerally oppose the so-called "public
option" ... the American people know what it means.

And Obama and Reid and Pelosi know the American people oppose the
"public option" too. That's why they're presently scheming and plotting
behind closed-doors and re-writing the Baucus bill that passed out of the
Senate Finance Committee.

But guess what?

It was their intention to re-write the Baucus bill from the get-go...
the Baucus bill was nothing more than smoke and mirrors... a little
misdirection... a little distraction for the American people that set the
stage for Pelosi and Reid and Obama to write the bill they actually wanted
all along in a proverbial smoke-filled room and spring it on the
unsuspecting public in the dark of night.

Before the Senate Finance Committee vote on the Baucus bill, Senator
Jim DeMint told us all the score:

"The plan written by the Senate Finance Committee [the Baucus Bill] will
evaporate the second it is passed next week. The real bill will be written
behind closed doors shortly before the Senate begins debate."

NewsMax.com reported what was really happening prior to the vote as

"Healthcare legislation is expected to be on the Senate floor... said a
spokesman for Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. But it won't be the
Baucus bill. Reid will combine the Finance version with a more liberal
proposal from the health committee - with unpredictable results."

"Once the Finance Committee has acted, the dealmaking can begin in earnest
with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., working with White House
staff, Baucus and others to blend the Finance bill with a more liberal
version passed by the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee."

We can't let them get away with it. If we do... shame on us.

Clearly, the battle over health care is a struggle for America's
soul... and it's one we must exert every effort to win by barraging our
elected officials with the most effective weapon at the disposal of average,
God-fearing Americans... pointed, personalized Blast Faxes.


Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to Barack Obama,
each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the
United States House of Representatives.

Tell these elected officials that you are sick and tired of the secret
meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the
dark-of-night votes... the outright lies and the total lack of transparency.

Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want this radical assault on our
health system and our basic liberties defeated. Remind these elected
officials that America is "the land of the free," not the land of the feeble
and fainthearted. And finally, demand, once and for all, that they stop the
deceptions, scrap ObamaCare and start over with measures that will actually
make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans.

Send My Faxes Now

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Medicare For Everyone: If At First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again.

Let's not delude ourselves: the health care "reforms" Obama, Baucus,
Pelosi and their political cronies are trying to shove down our throats
will, as Senator Orrin Hatch warns, "wreck the country."

Perhaps that is why, opposing ObamaCare has become as American as apple

Liberal Democrats can't win the debate because their so-called
"reforms" make no sense, violate basic mathematics... and have little
popular appeal.

So how are Obama and Reid and Pelosi and their cronies remedying that
situation? Perhaps you've heard the latest:

According to The Hill:

"House Democrats are looking at re-branding the public health insurance
option as Medicare, an established government healthcare program that is
better known than the public option." The Hill calls it "Medicare Part E,"
as in "Medicare for Everyone."

To put it another way, Congressional Democrats are scheming-up a slick
public relations scam in an effort to sell ObamaCare (to an unsuspecting
American public that has thus far rejected it at every turn) as something
that they believe the American people like... namely "Medicare."

And why not? People understand that "public option" means socialized
medicine, rationing, and inferior care at a higher cost. But everyone loves
Medicare... right?

So their solution is simple... call ObamaCare, "Medicare for Everyone"
and railroad it through Congress before the American people realize that
they're being duped by a public relations scam of epic proportions.

There's an old expression that has been attributed to both Abraham
Lincoln and P.T. Barnum.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some
of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

Obama and Reid and Pelosi have essentially rewritten that old

If you can fool all of the people some of time, then hopefully you can fool
them long enough to railroad legislation through Congress.

The time is now to let our elected officials know, in no uncertain
terms, that the American people are not fools and that you are not fooled.


Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to Barack Obama,
each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the
United States House of Representatives.

Tell these elected officials that you are sick and tired of the secret
meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the
dark-of-night votes... the outright lies and the total lack of transparency.

Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want this radical assault on our
health system and our basic liberties defeated. Remind these elected
officials that America is "the land of the free," not the land of the feeble
and fainthearted. And finally, demand, once and for all, that they stop the
deceptions, scrap ObamaCare and start over with measures that will actually
make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans.

Send My Faxes Now

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Floyd Brown<http://www.humanevents.com/images/3p/200910/fbsig.jpg>

Floyd Brown

P.S. Even if you can not join us in this effort right now, you can still
help us expose Barack Hussein Obama by sending this e-mail to at least 10 of
your friends.

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