[StBernard] How the liberal Democrats deceive on healthcare statistics

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Nov 12 07:51:29 EST 2009

What follows is a perfect example of how the "radical" liberal Democrats in
D.C. will say anything they think sounds to convince you of their position -
God forbid you actually do research check out what they say as I do. One of
my favorite quotes in history is by Mark Twain when he said, "there are
three kinds of lies...lies, damned lies and statistics."

One of the favorite arguments of poor healthcare in the United States is how
our infant mortality rate statistically is about twice that of European
countries. But as Karnak the Magnificent might say, "may a crazed Arab hold
your ponies until you have all facts."

Read the story below from U.S. News and World Report - what many consider to
be a "liberal" publication, I might add. See what a M.D. who is a regular
columist has to say about the reported "high U.S. infant mortality rate.'

What you must ask yourself as a reader is the question, "who determined the
criteria by which you rate a given country's quality of healthcare?" "Who
says it has to be based on the Infant Mortality Rate?" Wouldn't a better
way to judge a country's healthcare quality is by what percentage of people
receive care that allows them to continue living productive lives? Nope,
God forbid the U.S. healthcare be judged on how many elderly receive care
compared to Canada and European countries where most elderly run the risk of
dying while waiting for needed care. The radical liberal NEVER talk about
that comparative statistic.

By the end of reading the below story then decide whether or not it's the
U.S. or European countries who have the lower infant mortality rate.


John Scurich

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