Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Dec 4 15:45:32 EST 2009

Thanks. To emphasize what has happened to fracture St. Bernard, let me tell
you a story I've learned long before:

It is the story of King Solomon and if we think and breath accordingly, we
might see some clarity of comparison of what's happened to everyone's
existence in St. Bernard. This story goes as such:

"There once two mothers who came before Solomon to resolve a quarrel about
which was the true mother of a baby. (The other's baby died in the night and
each claims the surviving child as hers.) When Solomon suggests dividing the
living child in two with a sword, the true mother is revealed to him because
she is willing to give up her child to the lying woman rather than have the
child killed. Solomon then declares the woman who shows the compassion is
the true mother, then Solomon gave the baby back to her."

Now, when we were faced with a "sword" that divided our St. Bernard
community, our "Solomon" indeed had to make a similar choice. Should we use
the Sword of Solomon, so to speak, to divide our parish (baby) or allow the
masses who sought the decision to seek employment, housing, safety,
schooling, etc. at some distant place that so divided everyone?

For one parish, there never before was such a division decision. Because
losing one's homeland (as can be related to the baby's mother who chose to
give up her baby, rather than see it destroyed) is about as brutal and close
to a death as it comes. I've died a thousand times in dreams and memories,
hopes and aspirations to a point of desperation. But for me, I am comforted.

I can say this at Christmastime (but wish to keep it other times of the
year) because it's the hope I need constantly to understand from where I
existed to where I might be headed because of the reparation and recovery
provided to me by God. If there is someone out there who hasn't God and/or
Jesus in your heart at this point, perhaps one moment of asking could make
the significant difference to salvation, no matter where you presently live.

Merry Christmas to all...


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