[StBernard] A New Louisiana

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 13 15:26:24 EST 2010

Dear Friends -

This Thursday marks the second anniversary of the day I took office to
become your Governor. Two years ago, we gathered together on the Capitol
steps and laid out our goal to make a New Louisiana - a place where every
Louisianian has the opportunity to pursue a rewarding career so our children
can grow up right here at home. We have made much progress toward this goal
- and we remain unwavering in our commitment to making it a reality.

As I told WWL <http://www.wwl.com/pages/6028987.php?> , our top priority is
jobs, jobs, jobs. Our pro-growth economic agenda is already paying
dividends as our economy outpaces the national and southern economies, but
we must continue to invest our resources in long-term strategies as well.
We must continue to improve our graduation rates to ensure that our workers
are prepared with the skills they need on day one and we must continue to
attract new economic investment while growing our existing businesses.

In order to protect our economy and help keep it growing, we have to make
government live within its means even during times of budget challenges.
Last week I received the recommendations from the Commission on Streamlining
Government and I'm thankful for their efforts. As I told the New Orleans
6530.xml&coll=1> , we will target reductions and strategically craft the
upcoming budget to increase efficiencies in government and identify savings
wherever possible, while protecting critical services.

Last week I also addressed 300 members of the Louisiana National Guard's
256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team who are preparing to deploy to Iraq
again, as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. As the Lafayette Advertiser
the-heroes---Soldiers--families-honored-in-advance-of-deployment> reported,
these courageous young men and women fight for freedom in a part of the
world that does not have the same liberties we do in America and we all
honor their service and their sacrifices. Former President and General
Dwight Eisenhower famously said, "history does not long entrust the care of
freedom to the weak or timid." In that spirit, we sent off some of
Louisiana's bravest and strongest men and women in the service of our
freedom and we pray for their safe return.


Governor Bobby Jindal

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