[StBernard] Mary Landrieu basically tells business owners "tough shi!!!, deal with it"

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Apr 27 19:11:00 EDT 2010

This is when an elected official has become useless. So typical of someone
who has never started or had to operate a business. Way to go Mary! Below
the link to the news story is Mr. Hamer's email to his employees on his
meeting with Sen. Landrieu.

As a side note, I think Mary is incorrect in this article. The way things
are shaping up, after the 2012 election, you'll have at least 60 Republicans
in the Senate (fillerbuster proof), a GOP majority in the House, and a
Republican president. YES, Obamacare will get repealed - and every other
bill the Democrats pass between now and then - because that's what the
American public will be demanding.


Mr. Hamer is the owner of over 50 fast food restaurants...

(He's from Morgan City - owns 52 Taco Bell restaurants)

From: Greg Hamer

Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 5:34 PM

It matters not if you are liberal or conservative.We all had better
start to pay
attention to this lesson...

I was in Washington DC yesterday. With 20 other restaurateurs we
visited with
the Louisiana congressional delegation. We had an enlightening
talk with
United States Senator Mary Landrieu, if you're interested in what a
member of
the Democratic leadership of the Senate had to say to her
constituents, then
read on.

Talking directly to me because of a question I asked her, concerning
the fact
that we will be forced to shrink our workforce and lay off several
employees if Obamacare takes effect she put me in my place. She
said the

Sen. Landrieu: "We are paying for your employees health
insurance now, if
you cannot stay in business and pay for them, then we will just
continue to pay
for them after you are out of business." I think she really
believes she is
paying for it.she forgets that we.you and I are paying for it.

Sen. Landrieu: "We believe people need insurance more than
jobs." I
seriously doubt the folks I will have to terminate will agree with
especially since I pointed out to her that many employees in
hospitality are
otherwise unemployable since they are unskilled and their
alternative is

Sen. Landrieu: "The law does not differentiate between
companies in
industries with single digit profit margins like hospitality and
with much higher profit margins.you have to learn to deal with it."

Sen. Landrieu: "If you don't like the bills we are passing then

Sen. Landrieu: "The bill is law, I do not want to discuss it,
deal with

As God be my witness that is what she told us.of course I am not
quoting her, we
were all in too much shock to remember her exact words. But this is
from a
Senator with 5 more years in office, and the arrogance was

Everyone is for Health Reform, but if the cost is putting hundreds
of thousands
of Americans out of work, surely we can find a better way.
Everyone is for helping our environment, but if the cost is putting
hundreds of
thousands of Americans out of work, surely we can find a better way.
If you believe the cost being forced on businesses by our current
regime in
power is not going to be passed on to the consumers---and that is
you and I---
then you need to stop and take another look.

When government action causes the things I buy to go up, they may
not call it
increasing taxes.but the effect is just the same.

I hope you will find the item below informative.because you had
better believe
that is where the Democratic Party is trying to take us. And if you
believe as
I believe that what they are doing is going against what America
stands for,
then you have one final chance to stop this madness and it comes in
Go out and vote for a Conservative so they can first STOP the
madness and then
begin to curb it.


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