[StBernard] Defending Freedom is a Choice

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue May 4 22:22:51 EDT 2010

Defending Freedom is a Choice
In April 2009 in Strasbourg, France, President Barack Obama was asked at a
press conference if he "subscribe[d], as many of your predecessors have, to
the school of American exceptionalism that sees America as uniquely
qualified to lead the world, or do you have a slightly different
philosophy?" President Obama then responded: "I believe in American
exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British
exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

In other words, the President does not see anything unique about America's
role in history or the world. Some of our past Presidents have seen it
differently, including President Ronald Reagan who once explained to Soviet
President Leonid Brezhnev:
When World War II ended, the United States had the only undamaged industrial
power in the world. Our military might was at its peak, and we alone had the
ultimate weapon, the nuclear weapon, with the unquestioned ability to
deliver it anywhere in the world. If we had sought world domination then,
who could have opposed us? But the United States followed a different
course, one unique in all the history of mankind. We used our power and
wealth to rebuild the war-ravished economies of the world, including those
of the nations who had been our enemies.

So strongly did Reagan believe in American exceptionalism that he often
described our country as "this experiment in liberty, this last, best hope
of man." But President Obama disagrees. He sees the United States as just
another declining power like Britain or Greece. These were telling examples
for President Obama to choose since both countries are facing crushing
government debt crises due to profligate welfare state spending. And
President Obama's budget puts us on the exact same path. It would: 1)
borrow 42 cents for each dollar spent in 2010; 2) leave permanent annual
deficits that top $1 trillion as late as 2020; and 3) dump an additional
$74,000 per household of debt into the laps of our children and

All of President Obama's aggressive welfare state spending leaves little
left over for national defense. Heritage Vice President for Foreign and
Defense Policy Studies Kim Holmes, Ph.D., writes:
We are headed down a European path. ... According to the President's budget,
defense spending over the next few years will continue to fall relative to
the economy, from 4.9 percent to 3.6 percent of GDP by 2015. Indeed, defense
was the target of roughly half of the Administration's $17 billion in
spending cuts in 2010. Some 50 defense programs were truncated or
eliminated, compromising not only our future air and naval superiority, but
also our defense against ballistic missiles.

Are Americans really ready to abandon President Reagan's "peace through
strength" doctrine and replace it with President Obama's strength through
apology tour? We think not. That is why starting today The Heritage
Foundation is promoting Protect America Month, starting with a speech this
morning at 10 a.m. by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA). You can watch the event live,

And then for the next four weeks, join The Heritage Foundation as we examine
defense spending and foreign policy in our nation, by releasing special
publications and hosting events that showcase why we must commit to
protecting America in an increasingly dangerous world. Events and products
will include speeches by former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael
Chertoff, former Ambassador to the UN John Bolton and former Attorney
General John Ashcroft, as well as special commentaries from Members of
Congress and Heritage scholars regarding the need for a strong national

Dr. Holmes concludes: "Freedom and prosperity at home and abroad depend on
America's continued projection of power around the world. But that will
depend on our commitment to national defense, which is the first obligation
of the federal government listed in the U.S. Constitution. We have been here
before. We have seen darker days ... We may well be at that moment again.
After Jimmy Carter, we elected Ronald Reagan. He restored not only our
belief in America, but our commitment to defense. Conservative principles
and traditional American values prevailed then. They can prevail again."

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