[StBernard] The President of Mexico addresses Congress

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat May 22 12:04:31 EDT 2010

Upfront, please let me apologize for some of the language that follows.

F**k Presidente' Philipe Wetback of Mexico! How dare he come into OUR
country and criticize the US because he doesn't like the laws the United
States and the State of Arizona passed to FIX THE PROBLEM HIS COUNTRY HAS

Furthermore, how dare the DEMOCRATIC PARTY who controls Congress for
allowing him to speak. You can bet if the Republicans held the majority the
invitation would never have been extended. How disgraceful of the President
of the United States to stand next to this wetback idiot and criticize every
law abiding citizen in these United States because we're fed up with the
federal government's inability to resolve the ILLEGAL immigration problem in
our country.

I applaude any member of Congress who refused to attend el presidente's
address. I hope there were some.

John Scurich

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