[StBernard] Hutters House Bill 758

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 31 23:52:18 EDT 2010


I got a call the other day from a so called "St. Bernard political insider."
They say most laws pushed by St. Bernard legislators is usually to benenfit
someone close to home. This "insider" told me Nita's bill could have
something to do with protecting those St. Bernard public officials that have
something to do with the Meraux Foundation scandal. Hmmm, wonder who this
person could have been referencing? At least with Nita's law (if it passes
the Senate), their thinking is it could discourage some whistleblowers (who
might have some knowledge of the goings on with the foundation) from coming

Anyway, the good news is this bill has a tough fight in the Senate and I've
heard Jindal will veto it anyway - and neither the house nor senate will
have enough votes to override the governor's veto. At least let's hope so.

- John

-----Original Message-----
House Bill 758 -

Unbelievable, maybe Nita can run for Congress and introduce a bill to change
the Federal Whistlebllower Protection act.

I have gotten so tried of hearing about politics as usual in St. Bernard
from those previous St. Bernard residents that have migrated to Jefferson
Parish, Mandeville and other places. It's just recently that I've been able
to shove back that their political positions are not so squeaky clean in
their areas.

Now St. Bernard has one of their own state legislators introducing such a
ridiculous bill that will just give the masses another negative opinion of
our parish. Way to go Nita.


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