[StBernard] 8 Candidates Vie for Lt. Governor Race

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Sep 24 08:56:54 EDT 2010

Jim, I'm playing with you. Sure, it was suppose to be the "official GOP
response" but Jindal really didn't respond much to Obama's address, did he?
For the most part he talked about himself and his family coming to America.
I can recall turning to my wife when Jindal was finished saying to her "that
was a two minute, personal infomercial." Clearly, the GOP must not have
been concerned much in responding to every point of the Annointed One's
entirely too long of an address. It would seem they chose to use the time
to allow Jindal to talk about himself. Just as well since two minutes isn't
much time to respond to countinuous self-pontification dribble for an hour.

-----Original Message-----
Sadly, doesn't matter who you cite as a source, it was the official
republican response. but if you insist:

How 'bout the Wash. Times?


Oh and the goggle search results:


that was for the query:

official GOP response to 2009 obama state of the union address Jindal

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