[StBernard] New Reason to Guess Charlie's Job

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Sep 24 08:55:21 EDT 2010

New Reason to Guess Charlie's Job

Earlier this year Obama and his liberal Democrat allies drew friendly fire from Democrat Senate candidates who exposed efforts by national Democrats to force them OUT of races against candidates the White House preferred. Essentially, these "national Democrats" attempted to bribe Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania and Andrew Romanoff in Colorado with cushy jobs in the Obama Administration if they would end their campaigns for Congress.

All of this attracted the attention of one Louisiana newspaper <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=8d7e6edf39&e=e293a5ac38> who wondered aloud just what Barack Obama and his political operatives offered Charlie Melancon to get IN a race where every poll had and does show him losing decisively.

To date, Melancon still has not come clean about any deals or promises made by Obama's cronies, but the evidence is stacking up.

At the Baton Rouge Press Club earlier this week Melancon told the Lafayette Advertiser that after he announced last year he would not challenge Senator Vitter this year that he spent "the better part of a year" trying to find someone else for the race.

Of course we all know what happened next. National Democrats <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=29ee3c5928&e=e293a5ac38> made a renewed push and talked Melancon in to a race he appears destined to lose. Were these "national Democrats" pressuring Melancon the same "national Democrats" who tried to push Sestak and Romanoff out?

Will Melancon ever come clean and identify just who these "national Democrats" were and what if anything he was offered after his defeat this November?

Until he does, we're asking you what job you think Melancon's resume qualifies him for in an Obama Administration?

Like New Reason to Guess Charlie's Job on Facebook <http://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=9952c9e7cd&fblike=true&e=e293a5ac38>

If you're having trouble coming up with ideas - here are a few we came up with:

* Tax Hike Czar in charge of the astronomical tax increases <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=2e3ea5bcd3&e=e293a5ac38> that Melancon and Obama are pushing.

* Official Card Check Checker if the legislation Melancon sponsored <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=c96034aec0&e=e293a5ac38> to allow union bosses to coerce employees into unions becomes law.

* Monkey Babysitter for those who were given cocaine <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=0f1c2642ab&e=e293a5ac38> in a study funded by the "stimulus" plan Melancon voted for and so adamantly defends.

These are just a few suggestions but we'd really like to hear your ideas. Visit www.guesscharliesjob.com <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=af3a754d94&e=e293a5ac38> and post your suggestions on Twitter.

“Most conservative Louisianians would like nothing more than to remove Melancon's vote from Obama's back pocket immediately, and while we cannot do it today - we will get it done on six short weeks, said Republican Party of Louisiana Communications Director Aaron Baer. “But, as long as Melancon's got his good buddy in the White House there will always be opportunities for him, so please take a moment and join us in making a few suggestions to Obama on how Melancon can continue his service to Barack Obama after his defeat this November”

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