Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Nov 4 09:09:59 EDT 2010

some heart attack patients may require stents. the public hospital will not
have a cath lab. you will want your loved one, under these conditions, to
be transported directly to a hospital with the available specialists and
cath lab.

-----Original Message-----

>Why should just property owners pay this tax ? It should be a tax

>everyone who lives in the parish pays since everyone will have the

>opportunity to use the hospital

So who said *all* property owners were going to pay it? If the property
appraisal is
low enough **some** property owners will not be paying it. So who
else would you like to select to pay it?

Honestly I wish the damned thing hadn't passed and they wouldn't have
the funds for the damned thing. If they didn't build it and
someone dies on the way to a hospital in the city it just shows they
were too ill to live in the parish and shouldn't have come back.

But when your kid is having an asthma attack or your loved one
is having a heart attack, then $20 will seem a small price to pay
to get them to a hospital pronto.


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