[StBernard] Birthers

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Wed Apr 27 14:51:00 EDT 2011

The power of presidency, the capability of technology and the deviance of
socialists can create any document desired. Even a half-a$$ed computer
enthusiasts can work wonders with printers and computers. It's amazing how
when a majority of Americans either believe Obama-lama is a non-American,
have speculation, or doubt over those who believe Obama-lama's version of
birth. Strange how when confronted with such a huge number of Americans he
needs to get votes next year, that he wants enough time to have this issue
put away and hopefully, he believes..forgotten by then.

Now, let's look at such a poor student in college can get by Columbia and
Harvard and no thesis or proper transcripts which clarifies that time in his
life. Too much secrecy (and there shouldn't be for one who ran for
presidency but openness (if you're Russian 25 years back, you'd say

Perestroika would describe his restructuring of America to Socialist form.
He's doing it (the equivalent of Nero burning and playing fiddle, while
people do nothing and look on with no obstruction.


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