[StBernard] Houma apts - State pulls plug on apartments

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Jun 26 11:16:40 EDT 2011

I'm telling you. On TWO personal observation of communities elsewhere, the
community bonded towards a "always say never" consensus and have voted down
such developments.

What you have in St. Bernard is a "social experiment" of Negroes spurting
"foul" in a black racist attempt for punitive action of non-minority or
majority community disagreement. That is, if there is a community effort to
squash mixed-income, slum-lord apartment political agenda housing--then
race-baiting is the norm. Personally, I don't have an issue living in a
community that is not overrun with socialists-minorities. I have a problem
with ghetto-leaning, developments in a social-experiment to win court cases
and punish the entire community as though they were playing the game of

It CAN be quashed with effort. More hollering, organizing and everyone
supporting the effort to the point of holding arms in protest (to the point
of civil disobedience) in St. BERNARD'S "Civil rights" to dismiss such
tripe. For, if everyone wants "equal justice" and not-social justice, it can
be attained. Saying and not bitchin' just won't get it.


This is an article from HoumaToday.com.

debby thinks you might be interested in this.

Link to the article:

A message to you from debby:
more articles out there on Houma rejecting mixed income apts. this is a


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