[StBernard] The future for the St. Bernard Sheriff's Office? Or, America's Future?

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Jul 17 10:55:35 EDT 2011

"NAACP Calling on Obama to Investigate NOPD -- Jennifer Hale, FOX 8 News"

Jer Responds:

..which begs the question. If this was a predominant all-black) police force
(anywhere), ..And MOST criminals are of the Caucasian Persuasion, would
there be "people of discolor" profiling??

Or would we have to wait until there is a predominantly "Caucasian" looking
U.S. president (conservative, not socialist) to be at the reigns for

The AfriKan Civil Liberties UNION'S (oh, watch that buzz word, UNION), MAIN
goal is to get People of Discolor (or POD, hereon) to be removed from
exulted places, and replace them with People of Color (POC). By doing so,
the ACLU can "rule the roost" (so to speak) and through conspiracy,
(Socialist-Liberal Agenda) to replace the structural situation at high
places (from police departments to local, federal/Supreme Ct Judges to yes,
U.S. President)--can determine the outcome of society. This means a total
demographic socialist hierarchy from the top down. As the demographic
population shifts (nudges) toward a "minority-Majority" of Hispanics,
Negros, Asians and Arabian Knights", we can assume the "game-changer" to be
in place within 20-25 yrs). It's the approach in the master plan of
socialists--to replace the status quo for one that satisfies the senses and
changes the outcome.

Conspiratorial? You can bet your sweet bippy. It's not rocket science
mentality, nor is it sci-fi to believe what is evident. It's using common
sense as well as listening to the "calm before the storm'" as perpetrators
plot their vision of its Utopian Marxist Society. Moreover, as the Negro,
MLK once spurted about reaching the mountain top of freedom: "I may not get
there with you". So it is for some of us. But still, we can believe our
biological itching as we watch our skin crawl with political indifference.

It just doesn't happen overnight. It's been going on for 150 years since
Lincoln. -- King of the mountain mentality in a quest to "we shall
overcome" such as has been decried by MLK and others.

For if we should live long enough to that 25 year period, so shall we see
the "fundamental change" recently exacerbated by OB1-K-NO-B in his finest
hour, and WE conservatives, having watched America dwindle to the ultimate
in societal defecation.


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