[StBernard] Louisiana Values

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Mar 16 08:38:29 EDT 2012


I’m a proud son of a coal miner from Pennsylvania, but I have more in common with Louisianans than Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney realize.

I understand just how important a thriving energy economy is for creating good-paying jobs. If we don’t break through the Obama permit logjam and roll back the EPA’s overbearing regulations on our producers, we won’t be able to generate the domestic energy we need…or rejuvenate all the oil and gas service businesses that are connected to it.

Worse, Romney and Gingrich supported Cap and Trade before they were against it. Not me. I’ve been steady in my belief that theories of man-made global warming should not end our robust domestic energy economy.

Remember to early vote by this Saturday, March 17.

And like you, I’ve been steadfast against granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Not Gingrich. He not only supports amnesty for illegals, but he even wants give it to the illegals who used fraudulent Social Security numbers of actual taxpaying Americans.

So while Romney tries to pander to you about his love of “cheesy grits” and Gingrich proclaims himself the South’s candidate, I just ask you to look at my consistent steady fight for the values we share.

Please remember that this Saturday, March 17, is the last day to early vote. Click here to find your early voting location <http://www.sos.la.gov/tabid/984/Default.aspx> .

Fighting for America,
Rick Santorum

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