Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Nov 26 07:47:50 EST 2012

>but let someone religious get offended by some of the

obscene stuff we are exposed to in the stores or entertainment and all of a
sudden it becomes a free speech issue

Well of course you are neither required nor forced to go to any particular
store which has things that might offend you Westley. There is, after all,
the internet where you can do your shopping and you can order your own
"clean" entertainment DVDs to watch at home. And besides, with regard to
"entertainment", wouldn't you have an idea of what a movie, tv show or
whatever is about before you went to it or watched it on the tv thereby not
yourself to this "obscene" whatever? Just askin'.

On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Westley Annis <westley at da-parish.com>

but let someone religious get offended by some of the
obscene stuff we are exposed to in the stores or entertainment and
all of a
sudden it becomes a free speech issue

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