[StBernard] Chalmette High Alumni Association will hold membership meeting Nov. 13

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Oct 30 09:29:05 EDT 2013

Chalmette High Alumni Association will hold membership meeting Nov. 13

The Chalmette High School Alumni Association will hold its fall general
membership meeting Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. in the school's new main campus
cafeteria. Members are encouraged to attend to hear about the latest
addition to the CHS campus and get an update from Principal Wayne Warner
about the ongoing construction and remodeling of Chalmette High.

The main item on the agenda will be the nomination and election of officers
and the Board of Directors.

The association is conducting its annual membership drive. Membership is not
limited to CHS alumni only, but is open to graduates of all former St.
Bernard Parish high schools as well. Also, friends and supporters of CHS may
join the association as Alumnus by Choice members. Dues are $10 per
membership year from September through August. People may join or renew
membership at the meeting. Those who cannot attend the meeting may send
their dues, along with name, address, email address, phone number and the
year and school graduated to CHS Alumni Association, c/o Chalmette High
School, 1100 E. Judge Perez Drive, Chalmette, LA 70043.

Checks should be made payable to CHSAA. To register as an alumnus, visit the
school's website at www.chsowls.org and click on Alumni. After registering,
members will periodically receive information about the association.

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