[WASTE-list] Japanese

Marco Piovanelli marco.piovanelli at pobox.com
Mon Nov 14 05:40:21 EST 2005

On Sun, 13 Nov 2005 19:45:23 -0600,
Adam Ernst (adam1234 at athenet.net) wrote:

>I just tried out the WASTE 3.0 demo. It works great, but I noticed

>that inserting Japanese characters (from the Character Palette) just

>causes boxes to appear. It's definitely a font issue; switching to a

>Japanese font causes it to work just fine.


>Could WASTE do automatic font substitution?

Sure it could. It's just a matter of uncommenting a line in
the source code.

//atsuLayout -> SetTransientFontMatching ( true ) ;

The reason why this line is currently commented out is that
enabling font substitution negately affects performance,
especially when reflowing a layout. I probably need to
introduce a new feature flag to let the client enable or
disable this functionality, just like MLTE does.

>That would bring it on par with TextEdit, etc. (The interesting--

>and hard--thing is that TextEdit automatically switches -back- to

>your previous Roman font when you're done typing Japanese/Korean/whatever

>and return to Latin characters.)

This "switchback" behavior is actually a side effect of the ATSUI
implementation of font substitution: the font doesn't really switch
back because it was never really changed in the ATSUStyle object.

>Also, this is the most minor thing, but could the cursor be one pixel

>wide and solid black, instead of two and gray? It looks a bit blurry

>to my sight.

Yes, the caret could be made to appear as a traditional one-pixel wide,
solid line, by slightly nudging the origin of the caret rectangle.

But it may look anti-aliased (blurry) again if you change the
transformation matrix (perhaps to zoom the text), or if you image
the text onto a different target device, or if caret slanting is
enabled for italic text. This is a natural consequence of using
Core Graphics for all imaging.

-- marco

It's not the data universe only, it's human conversation.
They want to turn it into a one-way flow that they have entirely
monetized. I look at the collective human mind as a kind of
ecosystem. They want to clear cut it. They want to go into the
rainforest of human thought and mow the thing down.

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