[game_preservation] Game preservation in 2008

Henry Lowood lowood at stanford.edu
Fri Jan 4 19:50:08 EST 2008

Andrew and others:

I have been meaning to get a message out on this topic, so thanks for
the prompt! I'll just go right down the list of items:

1. Yes, there will be a preservation roundtable at GDC, not sure
about two. There were two last year, but this year IGDA did not get
as many slots. I hope to see many of you there; we'll have just had
the kickoff meeting for the Library of Congress project and can talk
at length about it and how this group can participate.

2. Digital Game Canon. GDC, believe it or not, rejected the panel,
even though it included a few very well-known game
developers. (Quick editorial remark: A friend of mine just sat on
the committee that made the selections for the National Film Registry
in the U.S. The film preservation efforts around that are actively
supported by numerous film directors and other personalities in that
industry. I was envious.) Simon tried to rescue the panel for
GDC, but clearly that is not going to happen. So I will work on
another venue or perhaps just organize and announce the 2008 list via the SIG.

3. Technically, the Library of Congress project started on
1/1/2008. In reality, the work will kick off with a workshop at
Stanford Feb. 18-19, i.e., the two days before the GDC conference
(also the days that the GDC workshops take place). So I should have
details about participation, information about ongoing work, etc. at
the GDC roundtable.

4. Andrew needs to be commended for his great work on the Wiki and
esp. the Digital Game Canon page -
http://www.igda.org/preservation/files/dgc_gdc2007/. Not news, but
hey, I just needed to say that. Simon, as well, for the fine series
of articles on several of the games available via Gamasutra; links
here -
By the way, Andrew has also put together a page covering articles
with historical content here -
some from Gamasutra, some from elsewhere. Additions welcome, I'm sure.


At 06:56 PM 1/3/2008, Andrew Armstrong wrote:

>Hey all,


>Happy new year and everything! :) hope everyone enjoyed what they got up to.


>I was wondering since it's now 2008, has anyone got a good idea

>about upcoming events related to this SIG? Any good projects being

>started, or shows being put on? or even talks at conferences about

>game preservation?


>And anyone know what is going on at GDC - I only know that Henry has

>2 roundtables "Preserving Games: Saving the Past and Present Now",

>which would be excellent to record. Will there be anything around

>the time of GDC or related to it being held at the event itself? (I

>recall some Expo's have history exhibits even).


>This would be useful as "news" content, but mainly I am truly

>interested myself! Especially if anyone here has personal projects

>they're undertaking. I myself am going to finish off (once I have

>better information then wikipedia, such as my own research) the

>Digital Game Canon IGDA wiki pages, and work on the internet

>archives collection of interviews some more :-) not that interesting

>I'm afraid!






>game_preservation mailing list

>game_preservation at igda.org


Henry Lowood, Ph.D.
Curator for History of Science & Technology Collections
Curator for Germanic Collections; Film & Media Collections
HRG, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004
650-723-4602; lowood at stanford.edu; http://www.stanford.edu/~lowood
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