[game_preservation] Online DRM

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Sun Mar 29 21:41:08 EDT 2009

Glad you're in agreement, we'll sort some info later this year, there
might need some more discussion - because of the multiple territories
involved, and we should do some "journalism" (or just research) and
contact the publishers and developers about their systems.

Another thing just on this:

Devin Monnens wrote:

> Cloud computing for games is a neat idea, but for the games that

> really matter, you need to ahve a GOOD internet connection, and

> connection speeds aren't currently fast enough to say stream gameplay

> from FarCry 2. The advantage would be if it ever reached that level

> you could play how it was intended without needing a smoking PC.

Did anyone else see the silly service OnLive thing? (I think) -
ridiculous claims about gaming on anything because of a server doing the
game processing and just sending video? :) utterly bizarre how anyone
thinks this is scalable, especially the silly timings they gave like 1MS
lag times - meaning things running, yes, at 1000FPS on the server!
(nevermind the video encoding time needed for 60FPS at 5Mbps).

Things like that, if they ever did get off the ground (and there are
some examples of low fidelity video streaming games working...) are an
entirely new kettle of fish!


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