[game_preservation] [Monthly SIG Roundup] November 2009

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Sun Nov 8 11:12:41 EST 2009

Halloween, and for those int he UK, Bonfire night! Well, going a bit off
topic already...anyway, we have had the new IGDA website launch, but not
honestly much else I'm afraid!

Preservation SIG October 2009 Work

There hasn't been much work this month. The IGDA website however has
been revamped - well, replaced entirely in fact. There is an important
thing the SIG might be able to do that is preserve the old site, as it
can be, externally to the IGDA's own servers. I'm going to track down
this properly this month.

The new preservation SIG location is the same url as before:
http://www.igda.org/preservation - and the wiki remains present (old
links will redirect to it's new subdomain location).

Join the SIG there - not for much to do, since we mainly post what
little we do on the mailing list, but it will be the new location for
monthly roundups and news. I've looked and couldn't find an RSS feed,
which will be one of the things I've got to ask about.

If you are interested in helping the SIG work you can handily volunteer
for some projects <http://www.igda.org/wiki/Game_Preservation_SIG>, or
create your own if something is missing!

Future Work for November 2009

It's mid-November. It's nearly a new year in fact. We need to perhaps
think about properly rounding up the projects, putting all of the ones
which are basically dead to the depths of idea-realm, and knowing if
anyone wants to actually work on anything. I'm happy with things just
being a discussion group, but if people do sign up for projects we might
need to think about having them report it monthly, me included! :)

Mailing List Discussions

If you've not joined our mailing list
<http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/game_preservation>, please do
so. We've never tried using our forums it seems :) we stick to
old-fangled email. This will eventually change when the IGDA site has
some replacement for it, which won't be anytime soon.

me ranting about glossaries mainly], redump mentioned which we didn't
discuss before
and finally the white paper was briefly blogged by someone at Wired

I know it's a bit after the start of November but I'll get to those
posts in next months roundup :)

Preservation SIG Blog Updates / Links

/Have I missed anything this month? Then email it in to
preservation_news @ igda.org !/

* /Site changeover - nothing to post./

Final Thoughts

We'll be using the wiki still to post pages - the new site is a bit
anti-posting-pages, but have a look around what's up with the changes
and make sure to report any bugs sooner rather then later :)

Andrew Armstrong

IGDA Game Preservation SIG Site/Blog editor

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