[game_preservation] Swag archive?

Martin Goldberg wgungfu at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 17:31:09 EDT 2010

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Devin Monnens <dmonnens at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was curious if any of the archives out there have a collection of swag

> from conferences like GDC and E3.

I do from CES and other shows going back to the early 80's through mid
90's (when the industry left CES to do E3). From both the video game
and computing industry. Pamphlets, brochures, flyers, pins, buttons,
baloons, mugs, shirts, pens, etc., etc. Though I do have some E3 era
material as well - I just don't specialize in archiving that, but
would be happy to start of there's a desire for the SIG for me to.

Here's a few swagger items from the E2M archive on display as an example:


>From top to bottom, row by row - Centipede 2600/5200 announcement pin

from CES. Atari XL luggage tag from CES. Atari Computers button (from
CES and several other shows). Atari Computers #1 keychain with hidden
pen, from CES and several other shows.

Atari Corp. Advantage holographic pin, CES. Atari the Next Decade
holographic button, from AMOA. Atari Starworld '78 from AMOA. Atari
Stargate 80 from AMOA.

Tengen KLAX announcement pin, CES. Tengen keychain, CES. Atari
Pac-Man sticker, CES and others. Atari Pac-Man announcement
holographic sticker, CES and others. Atari Defender announcement
holographic sticker, CES and others. Atari Lynx holographic pin, CES.

Apple Computer sticker, COMDEX, CES. Apple IIc announcement pin,
COMDEX, CES. Konami Gun Fighters 25th Anniversary pin CES. Atari
centipede announcement button, CES. Atari (Infogrames) light up
pendant, E3.

Try ColecoVision button, CES. Sega Genesis announcement coin, June
'89 CES. Atari Family Entertainment Center coin, AMOA.

I Shot Mad Dog on CD-I sticker/fully, CES. Sega Out Run announcement
button, CES. IBM PC keychain announcement w/Charlie Chaplin logo,

Activision (Atari 2600 era) bumper sticker, CES. Sega Dreamcast logo
necklace, E3. Atari(Infogrames) watch, E3.

Full set of McDonald's Atari 2600 contest material (game pieces,
placemat). Not show related, but just an example of other types of
material in the archive.

Asteroids competition related material (1981). Below, Computer
industry related promotional pens, COMDEX and CES.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Andrew Armstrong <andrew at aarmstrong.org> wrote:

> Never seen a site/archive that advertises they take things like this, and I

> would be pretty sure space is limited to usually more manual-inclined

> material or major advertising (this usually found in magazines) rather then

> flyers...hmm, I do wonder.

That's what sterlite bins and bubble wrap are for. ;) For flyers and
that, acid free bagging, acid free cardboard dividers, and more
sterlite bins. But yes, I specifically take that kind of material.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Andrew Armstrong <andrew at aarmstrong.org> wrote:

> CES shows eh? I wonder what hidden treasures the journalists have - the

> problem is, developers don't usually keep hold of the stuff they give out

My experience is the opposite. A good portion of my material comes
from industry people who attended the shows (i.e. worked in their
companies booth) and kept them as souvenirs all this time. Of course,
plenty of material comes from journalists and general attendees as

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 3:38 PM, <swizzle at dosmuseum.com> wrote:

> Devin,


> I have plenty of safe space for it (and can

> hopefully digitize/publish the material to the web for everyone else

> assuming there are no copyright concerns).

If it's flyers and paper material, I always digitize in hi-res TIFFs.
The other material I take high res digital photos of from every
possible angle.


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