[game_preservation] hard copy of original Oregon Trail mainframe code?

Henry Lowood lowood at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 30 23:00:05 EST 2011


Devin reported to the SIG not long ago that he had access to it, but
there is a discrepancy in dates. Here is what he said:

"BTW, what's the status on Preserving Virtual Worlds II? Aren't you
working with the Oregon Trail? I've already got an interview from Don
Rawitsch and the source code for the 1973 version, but I still need to
contact his associates... Geez, it's been almost a year!"

He writes 1973, so I'm not entirely sure you are talking about the same

Anyway, you and Devin will figure it out.


On 1/30/2011 7:40 PM, Matthew Kirschenbaum wrote:

> Does anyone know the whereabouts of the hard copy of the original

> (1971) Oregon Trail mainframe code? Its existence, but not its fate

> (printed "on a long roll of yellow computer paper"), is detailed here:

> http://www.citypages.com/content/printVersion/1740595/


> I'd love for someone to tell me it's safe in a Minnesota historical

> society somewhere. Matt



Henry Lowood
Curator, History of Science& Technology Collections;
Film& Media Collections
HRG, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
650-723-4602; lowood at stanford.edu

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