[game_preservation] ACAM Preserving Videogame History (PAX panel, March 24)

Devin Monnens dmonnens at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 21:14:05 EST 2013

This just in. Will this be recorded and/or is anyone here going?

Speaking of... When's the SIG panel at GDC? I will most likely not be going
to either of them (unless, of course, the university gives me a ticket, but
I won't be reimbursed for flight and hotel).

The American Classic Arcade Museum is pleased to announce the following
panel session at PAX-East 2013 in Boston, MA:

Sunday, March 24th, 2013
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center -- Sphinx Theatre @ 1:00pm

What happens to the source code, development equipment and historical
information from all of those video games from the 1970's & 1980's? Why is
that historical material important to museum facilities and current/future
generations of game developers? The American Classic Arcade Museum and our
guest panelists will answer those questions, and describe the importance,
value and methodology of preserving video game history.

Mike Stulir, The American Classic Arcade Museum

Gary Vincent: President, The American Classic Arcade Museum
John Andersen: Gaming historian and freelance writer
Joey DeSena: Co-host of "Retroware TV" series "The Video Game Years"
Jonathan Ferguson: Instructor in Game Design and Production for The Game
Studio at Champlain College

Devin Monnens

The sleep of Reason produces monsters.
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