[JakeShows] Singing Out Against Hunger this weekend

Jacob Haller music at jwgh.org
Fri Sep 16 09:24:13 EDT 2011

Hi all,

This evening I head back into the studio for what will (if things go as planned) be the final weekend of recording for the new CD. I have big plans!

You can hear a recording from the first week (it's a rough mix so the final version will be somewhat different) here if you're interested: <http://jwgh.tumblr.com/post/9916843306/a-rough-mix-of-dear-santa-a-song-i-recorded> and there are other recordings, videos, and pictures on my tumblr blog at <http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/jwgh> that you may be interested in.

I have one final show booked for September as part of the annual Singing Out Against Hunger benefit in Tiverton. I'm pleased that I can be a part of it Sunday morning but am a little sad that I can't be around for the rest of it, as it is always fun and there's plenty of great music and great food around. The information about the event is below.

I should also mention: I'll be in Nashville, TN from Thursday October 6 to Sunday October 9. I'm there primarily to visit some friends but I also hope to check out an open mike or two. If you've got any recommendations for places to play please let me know!

WHEN: 10-10:30 am
WHERE: Coastal Roasters, 1791 Main Road, Tiverton, RI 02878

This is a great annual fundraiser for food banks in the East Bay, and I'm happy to be playing in it again. There will be music, raffles, and so on all weekend, so go check it out if you can. I'll reproduce the full schedule below, and you can see <http://singingoutagainsthunger.org/> for more details.

Friday September 16th at Evelyn's from 5-9PM:
5pm-6pm 6-DIGG-IT
6pm-7pm Two Across
7pm-8pm The Lisa Martin Band
8pm-9pm Pumpkin Head Ted

Saturday September 17 at Coastal Roasters from 9-12Noon:
9-930am Elliot Richey
930-10am Emma Joy Galvin
10-1030am Tracie Potochnik
1030-11am G.W. Mercure
11-1130am Barbara the dancing spirit
1130-12 Christopher Rosenquest

SATURDAY SEPT 17 at Evelyn's from 12-9PM
12-1245 Thatcher Harrison
1245-130 Chuck Williams
130-215 Joanne Lurgio
215-300 Heather Rose
300-345 Jose Docen
345-430 Ed McGuirl
430-530 The Elderly Brothers
530-630 The Jethros
630-700 Escape Plan
700-900 Red Eye Flight

SUNDAY SEPT 18 at Coastal Roasters from 9AM-12Noon
9-930am Tom Irving
930-10am Daniel Ouellette
10-1030am Jacob Haller
1030-11am Christopher Moon
11-1130am Allysen Callery
1130-12 Rick Ropah, esq.

SUNDAY SEPT 18 at Evelyn's from 12-9PM
12-1245 Ian Fitzgerald
1245-130 Chief Noda
130-215 Gary Fish
215-300 Tania Alexandra
300-345 Korey Pirtle
345-430 Ron & Bon
430-515 Mark Cutler
515-600 Art Don't Pay
600-700 Kim Lamothe Tree-oh

I have a few things booked for October as well. As usual, you can see my full schedule at <http://music.jwgh.org/gigs.html>.

Jacob Haller

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