[StBernard] Teachers

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Oct 11 23:51:10 EDT 2005

I am in complete agreement with the email below, and have previously issued
a number of emails through nola.com listing the same concerns. I would like
to add, however, that the state Superintendent of Schools, Cecil Picard,
failed to follow the law as it relates to termination of an employee. I
received a number of responses from teachers that were unaware that they
were terminated as of September 15th. The rationale for their termination
was that there were no students to teach. What about the contract that
teachers sign each year? Mr. Picard also cited financial reasons. In
speaking with Sen. Vitter's office, the Federal government is picking up the
tab for repairing the schools AND for a portion of the teachers salaries.
On top of that, we will be expected to pay our usual property taxes by
year-end, of which a portion of the taxes collected go to the School Board.

In my opinion, all teachers should have been notified in advance of their
dismissal, even if only through a television or radio announcement, and
should have been paid and provided with medical benefits through year-end.
That would give the teachers a more reasonable time-frame to search for
other employment. By September 15th, most teachers had not even been to
their home.

At the very least, all teachers should be provided with hospitalization
coverage through year-end. If every other state can make sacrifices to
assist those of us that were displaced, there is no reason why Louisiana
cannot step up to plate and bear this expense. If not, come next September,
it is quite likely that St. Bernard Parish will be recruiting new teachers
with little or no experience, and I suspect that none will accept a position
under the current salary structure.

Mr. Picard needs to evaluate the situation not only for today, but for the
future. If not, it will cost the state much more in future years. If Mr.
Picard cannot see further than today, he should be replaced by someone with

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