[StBernard] Unmasking Mardi Gras

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jan 9 22:44:40 EST 2006

Ms Penny, That is a brilliant suggestion. As many as possible should email
her and pictures; I don't know why 10,000 hard working people building an
entire community from scratch would not appeal to her humanitarianism. For
Pete sake you see her in every other 3rd world country, why not her own?

----- Original Message -----
I have to agree with you Ms.Mudpie. Ray Nagin is barreling through on his
bandwagon of "Everything is fine in the French Quarter so Yall come on down
and Partaaay!" only because that is the only part of "his" city that will
put money into his coffers. The rest of our state gets shellaced as "fine"
and partying so everybody else in the country thinks we are all drunk and
having fun with no cares anymore. I am explaining to everyone I can
button-hole about the realities of the situation OUTSIDE of the danged
French Quarter! I wish I could bring everybody down there to see the reality
for themselves. It is so frustrating! And the media's continuing blindness
to areas outside of the inner city and French Quarter is harder and harder
to take. I don't know what else to do but to keep trying to open eyes to
what the real situation is for my hometown area. Maybe Oprah's offer for
those first-hand stories from those OTHER than the Superdome/Convention
Center refugees is a good outlet for a reality check. I'm with you guys in
spirit always and body whenever I can get down there to help. Penny Tassin a
transplanted Chalmattian in Linden, TX

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