[StBernard] The Storms Impact - Point of View by Ron Chapman

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jan 19 22:38:48 EST 2006

"But that's not necessarily a bad thing. There was something I liked about
each one, but among them Junior - believe it or not - is the least of the
"politician". Oh sure, everyone in public office is a politician to some
extent, but Junior was easily the most direct, or shall I say "most blunt"
among them, which I found to be refreshing. He let's you know where he
stands, especially if he's not with you.

When you have someone like Junior you have to take the bad with the good.
But let me say this." --John.

**Fine, John, it's not about your judgment of character as much as it's
about JR need to mellow out at his age. Sure, we all have fun, but in
honesty, JR has a rather stringent mandate to accept and which should guide
him. I've laughed with him as well in the past. However these are very
"anxious" times and if it's someone's butt can be used as analogous in some
way possible to a keg of dynamite--it is JR's cane that is its matchstick.

Perhaps the point (pun intended) to this is that the "whistleblower" who
received JR's "Christmas Caning" was not amused obviously as so many would
not be, just to see JR get a laugh in the light of ridicule at anyone's
expense. You're humorous as well, I know, but probably it's been a while
since others have used such an object to get class clown attention (perhaps
high school). That's what the discussion entailed. It's vile, crude and
unprofessional. We're sure this "tale" will continue somehow by some who
wasn't very amused by his action, and it had nothing to do with JR being a
politician. Just normalcy would be enough in office.

So, it's all about the classic Freud model, JR's raw ID being controlled by
his EGO (though hopefully not supersized and shadowing over his SuperEgo,
which could avoid long-lasting impressions to many at a time as which MR.
NAGIN is going to have to contend (if you will as he'll be "eating crow" for
a while). The good liberal media, CNN would love to pick this up and
continue destroying what's left in the New Orleans area--US!! ..over what
some might consider frivilous and pranklike. Shall we make the whole country
and world laugh along?? (Now that I've taken my chill pill, I'll step down
and hope life can return to some degree of normacy with a mix of hope and
caring, God willing.

No augument here. Just plain and simple logic, perhaps.


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