[StBernard] Insurance Question

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Feb 1 23:39:05 EST 2006

"What if? the residence is not rebuildable and the insurance adjustor states
that the roof sustained enough damage and needs to be replaced, from wind
damage. It's a catch 22, can't replace the roof because the house won't be
there. I'm sure that they won't refund the premiums that have been paid at
an increased rate to allow for replacement value. Has there been any
language from the insurance commissioner's office in regards to this? Jd"

**An adjuster would declare that there is damage to your roof. A settlement
check for the roof will be issued to you/your mortgage, perhaps if there is
a balance owed. The money is your settlement for loss of the roof as a loss
has occurred and it is their obligation to pay you. It's yours to spend.
Remember how many people had accidents settled to fix their car when someone
hit them? Sometimes they fix the dent, sometime they accept the check only
to do their wishes, whatever with the money. If the house must go, no one
should be able to fault you for its damage.

Ask your agent or the company for details as this is my understanding.


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