[StBernard] Changing laws

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Apr 18 21:28:17 EDT 2006

I guess we need Westley to put up a site like his Baker Plan thing on the
Stafford Act. We need to see it in its entirety (sp?) We know the crap
about the travel trailers has got to go. Then, as he wrote about the
sewerage stations...FEMA will pay to make those "whole" even though for 1
million less they could put in the new station the parish has been trying to
work on. Then we need to know who's committee has jurisdction over the
Stafford Act, names,contacts.

Westley is correct about how much has changed in 40 years. We have gone
from room-filling mainframes to pc's/LANs, COBOL/FORTRAN to VB, C++ ,
Windows, Unix etc.



Yes, laws should be changed. First people like you and I have to
which laws we think need to be changed then we need to lobby our
to change those laws.

Time consuming process and I'm really surprised that the people of
have not tried to get it changed.


Ok, Westley, what is next? If Florida people have not tried, how
about us?
We have a good start up group right on this list.


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