[StBernard] oil spill debri pick up

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Apr 25 22:38:43 EDT 2006

Craig or Westley,

I have a double on Jacob Drive that I have signed up to have gutted by the
volunteers. It is close to St. Bernard Hwy. Are the volunteers gutting in
that oil spill area? Also, is debris being picked up in the oil spill area?

My double is at 2208-2210 Jacob Drive. I did not opt out of the lawsuit
because the lawyer I spoke with said to do so would be to put total
liability on myself should anyone rent it in the future and claim to get ill
from living there. Even if it is cleaned, someone could still make that
claim. If I would opt out, I will be holding Murphy harmless so I would be

the one to sue. This is a rental and I will not be living there but I would
like to have it cleaned and remediated of oil and contamination by a private
company. I am in the process of getting bids. I would like to opt out and
be done with it, I'm not interested in the lawsuit but I don't want the
future liability so I feel like I have to stay in. My question is, are the
volunteers gutting in the oil spill area, and if so will the debris be
removed? If not, I will pay to have it done myself and start my
decontamination and renovations. Thanks.


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