[StBernard] List-NOW: Moving Forward

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 22 22:47:39 EDT 2006

I feel for you too Sue. After the storm it was a sad feeling being HOMELESS!
It took several months to feel better. We moved 4 times since the storm and
finally we moved into an apt. my sister-in-law got from her employer. There
was a long list for apts. I go to the parish and clean my home mostly by
myself 2-3 times a week. It was several months but I finally realized It
will be a long time for things to get back to normal and quite possible
never like it was before. In fact I've read emails here that many felt our
parish had stagnated no growth. But actually the parish was family after
family living by each other and our kids bought houses in our neighborhoods.
We finally bought a home north shore, scraped up all the funds I could. I
didn't have much flood ins. It wasn't until purchasing the house things seem
to be getting back to n ormal. The thing is this site was the only source of
info. Never much info from officials. Now they have these deadlines. I's as
though they want to run people out. Maybe to get high income people in?

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