[StBernard] Gutting

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jun 12 21:31:32 EDT 2006

I didn't read your initial e-mail (I am *so* far behind on reading St.
Bernard posts, it's ridiculous), so I am not sure who your insurance company
is. Try getting in touch with Carlos Zelaya. He and his firm are suing
Allstate and I believe a few other insurance companies...I apologize for not
knowing more, but my brain just doesn't retain information the way it used
to before Katrina. Carlos lived in Lexington and got oil (obviously). I
believe he and his firm are also suing Murphy and the Army Corps of
It's at least worth a phone call. If he isn't suing your particular insurer,
I am quite sure he will know who you should contact.
Hope this helps!
former Oak Ridge Park (Violet) resident



>If you find an attorney, willing to take your case please, let me know.

>Right now I have it with the insurance commission and with WDSU . I did

>bring it to one lawyer and she said she thinks I have a case against my

>agent. But there firm is not practicing in this type of work. I need a

>lawyer that's field is in insurance.

>I may not win but refuse to give up till the very end.



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