[StBernard] SDT Waste Management and Politics

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Nov 4 09:52:39 EST 2006

JLY, as in other parishes, there are choices: if one considers some of the
choices concern "politics as usual" for politicians, "throwing the rascals
out" are one of the choices.

There are those who wish to "serve" their community, but in order to avoid
labeling themselves as "career politicians" (serving more than one term),
they announce they will run once for a term. This avoids the concept that
there are "career criminals" in high-places. Should we separate the career
crook from the career politician because one has more money than the next?
Are crooks only poor, drug dependent and social misfits/deviants?

Oh, not that everyone is coined a "crook", by any means. Some seem to be
honest, some honestly think they are honest, or honestly, we know that they
are not.

There are many citizens who believe that there are real-time motives for
someone to spend so much of their money, (get PAC or raised monies)for a
measly few hundred bucks a month. Should we believe that there are efforts
to obtain headaches, aggravation, etc. because it 'thrills' the politico to
face such ordeal? That'll be up to the citizen to decide when he/she presses
the voting booth lever (aka, the touch screen voter).

Since when is a good man/woman corrupted by politics? Who knows, if any.
There is a judgment day on Earth. It's at election time.


Oh Gawd! Who the hell made **that** bright decision to give any further
business to a Torres? Haven't they raped the parish enough?

Politics, politics, politics or SOS, SOS, SOS.


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