[StBernard] Nancy Pelosi: Un-American quotes

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 28 11:50:12 EDT 2007


I as referring to your comment on how most people don't have $100,000 for
solar panels....he has a 20,000sq ft home, which by the way he achieved
through the American Dream and hard work- as you so aptly put it. Based on
your argument in your other posting, even though his daddy was a Senator for
something like 20 years, you two started out as equals and there is no
reason why your should haven't the same 20,000 sq ft home and be able to buy
100,000 worth of solar panels, remember that your argument that with hard
work, we can all achieve the same regardless of how we started out.

What I was explaining that for $10,000, while people are rebuilding,
this may be a viable option, and they could recapture and see that return in
less that 10 years.


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