Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Oct 20 17:40:37 EDT 2008

If you indeed care about where this great nation is headed.PLEASE view the
video below!!

We need to forward this onto every Representative, Senator, Mayor, Governor,
Representative, Senator, and yes.even the President!!!

I am so sick and tired of all these groups telling me I can't pray to God in
school, or I must press "1" for English, or I must subsidize for illegal
aliens and pay for their welfare. Like Thomas Paine says in the video.IT'S

IT'S TIME WE START TAKING CARE OF AMERICA. Do you really think all those
other nations that we have bailed out or come to their aide would take ONE
STEP to help us? Should we want their help??? NO!!!!!!!!!!!

It IS time that we stand on our own two feet and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


*curtsies.steps down off soap box*

R. Daniel

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