[StBernard] 200 Days and Counting

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Dec 15 20:39:04 EST 2009

200 Days and Counting:

"No Time Melancon" Is Still Hiding From His Constituents

Today marks the 200th day that “No Time Charlie Melancon <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=f5efbb24b9&e=e293a5ac38> ” has failed to face his constituents at a town hall meeting. The last time he held a town hall meeting to hear from his constituents was last April when he took a beating <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=baded3e8a1&e=e293a5ac38> for his reckless votes on the $800 billion government spending "stimulus" bill, the $700 billion financial bailout, and President Obama’s $3.9 trillion budget that will more than double our national debt.

“At a time when the majority of Louisiana voters are dissatisfied with the policies coming out of Washington, Charlie Melancon has failed to do his job by meeting with his constituents,” Chairman Roger F. Villere, Jr. said. “The rest of Louisiana's Congressional delegation all held town hall meetings during the August break and throughout the year to hear about health care reform and other issues. Nobody I know gets to go 200 days with out showing up to work, why should Charlie Melancon?”

You can see the ticker of the last time Charlie Melancon held a town hall meeting by clicking here. <http://lagop.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=81f80dfae08a15f3629eabdeb&id=73760ff57a&e=e293a5ac38>

Charlie Melancon, who took a beating after he voted for the first $789 billion bailout of Wall Street Firms and the auto companies, last week voted with President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Barney Frank and the other liberal leadership in Congress to use the remainder of that money and create a permanent bailout.

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