[StBernard] Tell Senator Mary Landrieu to Oppose S. 3194

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jun 21 22:41:38 EDT 2010

Your action is needed IMMEDIATELY!

You see, in just a matter of days, you and I could reach the final U.S. Senate showdown on Big Labor's Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill (S. 3194).

If passed, S. 3194 could force every police officer and firefighter in the country under union boss control, override state and local labor laws across the nation and lead to mammoth state and local tax hikes.

And your U.S. Senator -- Democrat Mary Landrieu -- could determine the fate of this union boss power grab.

That's why it's vital you contact Senator Landrieu today and demand she vote against S. 3194 at every opportunity.

Senator Landrieu is under enormous pressure from Big Labor to vote for the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill.

The union bosses are turning up the heat on Senator Landrieu to join Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to bring more crippling budgetary nightmares and dysfunction to states, cities, and small towns all over the country!

You and other Louisiana citizens who are opposed to forced unionism can thwart the union bosses' scheme.

That's why it's vital you call Senator Landrieu TODAY.

You see, all you need to do is take a look at California and Illinois to see what the rest of the nation has in store should S. 3194 pass.

California is facing a budget deficit of over $19 billion thanks to out-of-control government union bosses and their outrageous demands.

Illinois is facing a $13 billion shortfall -- half the state's budget.

Dropping down a level, the city of Vallejo, California, actually went bankrupt after nearly 75 percent of its budget was spent on satisfying the demands of the union agreement covering police and firefighters.

And the Mayor of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, recently stated that struggling cities are "handcuffed" by public sector monopoly bargaining.

So please, call Senator Landrieu at (202) 224-5824 IMMEDIATELY and demand that she vote against the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill on all votes.

There's not a moment to lose.

Mark Mix

P.S. Big Labor's allies in the U.S. Senate are moving to ram through the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill (S. 3194) in just a matter of days.

Your U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu could be the key vote.

So please, call Senator Mary Landrieu TODAY at (202) 224-5824 and tell her to vote "NO" on S. 3194 on all votes.

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